
Google Scholar Profile


Häusermann, Silja and Herbert Kitschelt (forthcoming 2024). Beyond Social Democracy. The Transformation of the Left in Emerging Knowledge Societies. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

Bornschier, Simon, Lukas Haffert, Silja Häusermann, Marco Steenbergen, Delia Zollinger (2023). Cleavage Formation in the 21st Century – How Social Identities Shape Voting Behavior in Contexts of Electoral Realignment. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

Emmenegger, Patrick, Flavia Fossati, Silja Häusermann, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Sciarini, Adrian Vatter (2023). The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (2022). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume I): Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.  Download in OA: Theoretical Framework (ch 2) and Synthesis of Results (ch 16)

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Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (2022). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.  Download in OA: Synthesis of Results (ch 17)

Häusermann, Silja, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Reto Bürgisser, Matthias Enggist, Reto Mitteregger, Nadja Mosimann, Delia Zollinger (2022). Wählerschaft und Perspektiven der Sozialdemokratie in der Schweiz. Zürich: NZZ Libro. Link Flyer und Bestellung

Papadopoulos, Yannis, Pascal Sciarini, Adrian Vatter, Silja Häusermann, Patrick Emmenegger and Flavia Fossati (2022). Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. 7. Ausgabe. Zürich: NZZ Verlag.  > link

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Jasmine Lorenzini, Bruno Wüest and Silja Häusermann (2020). Contention in Times of Crisis. Recession and Political Protest in Thirty European Countries. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
» link

Beramendi, Pablo, Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt and Hanspeter Kriesi (2015). The Politics of Advanced Capitalism. Cambridge University Press.
» link

Knoepfel, Peter, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Sciarini, Adrian Vatter and Silja Häusermann (2014). Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. 6. Ausgabe. Zürich: NZZ Verlag.
» link

Emmenegger, Patrick, Häusermann, Silja, Palier, Bruno and Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin (2012). The Age of Dualization. The Changing Face of Inequality in Deindustrializing Societies. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
» link

Häusermann, Silja (2010). The Politics of Welfare State Reform in Continental Europe: Modernization in Hard Times.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
» link


‣ Ares, Macarena, Silja Häusermann, Matthias Enggist, Michael Pinggera (forthcoming). «Attitudinal Consistency in Citizen’s Social Policy Preferences”, Journal of Politics.

‣ Enggist, Matthias and Silja Häusermann (forthcoming). «Partisan Preference Divides Regarding Welfare Chauvinism and Welfare Populism – Appealing only to Radical Right Voters or Beyond?”, Journal of European Social Policy.

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Thomas Kurer and Delia Zollinger (2023). „Aspiration versus Apprehension: Economic Opportunities and Electoral Preferences“, British Journal of Political Science, 53(4), 1230-1251. doi:10.1017/S0007123423000145

‣ Garritzmann, Julian, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier (2022). “Social Investments in the Knowledge Economy: The Politics of Inclusive, Stratified, and Targeted Reforms Across the Globe», Social Policy & Administration Volume 57, Issue 1 p. 87-101. link pdf

‣ Lauener, Lukas, Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häusermann, Stefanie Walter (2022). «Torn Between International Cooperation and National Sovereignty: Voter Attitudes in Trade‐off Situations in Switzerland», Swiss Political Science Review 28 (2), 277-295 link pdf

‣ Enggist, Matthias, Michael Pinggera and Silja Häusermann (2022 ftc): The COVID-Crisis as an Opportunity for Welfare Recalibration? Panel-data Evidence on the Effect of the COVID-crisis on Welfare Preferences in Spain, Germany, and Sweden. Journal of European Public Policy. link pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Michael Pinggera, Matthias Enggist, and Macarena Ares (2021): Class and social policy in the knowledge economy. European Journal of Political Research. link pdf

‣ Ares, Macarena, Reto Bürgisser, and Silja Häusermann (2021): Attitudinal Polarization Towards the Redistributive Role of the State in the Wake of the COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(1): 41-55. link pdf

‣ Bornschier, Simon, Silja Häusermann, Delia Zollinger, Céline Colombo (2021). How ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ Relates to Voting Behavior – Social Structure, Social Identities, and Electoral Choice. Comparative Political Studies. Volume: 54 issue: 12, pp: 2087-2122. link pdf

‣ Lauener, Lukas, Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häusermann, Stefanie Walter (2021). Torn Between International Cooperation and National Sovereignty: Voter Attitudes in Trade-Off Situations in Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review.  link pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2020). „Dualization and Electoral Realignment”, Political Science Research and Methods, 8(2), 380-385. doi:10.1017/psrm.2018.48. link pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Achim Kemmerling, and David Rueda (2020). How Labor Market Inequality Transforms Mass Politics. Political Science Research and Methods, 8(2), 344-355. doi:10.1017/psrm.2018.64 link pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2020). “Why Multiculturalism is Not a Threat to Redistributive Solidarity: The Strains of Commitment. The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies”. European Journal of Sociology 60(3): 421-424. link pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Thomas Kurer and Denise Traber (2019). „The Politics of Trade-offs: Studying the Dynamics of Welfare State Reform with Conjoint Experiments”, Comparative Political Studies, 52(7): 1059-1095. . link pdf

‣ Kurer, Thomas, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Wüest, Matthias Enggist (2018). „Economic Grievances and Political Protest”, European Journal of Political Research, 58(3). link pdf

‣ Traber, Denise, Nathalie Giger and Silja Häusermann (2018). „How economic crises affect political representation: declining party-voter congruence in times of constrained government“, West European Politics, 41(5): 1100-1124. link  pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2018). “The multidimensional politics of social investment in conservative welfare regimes: family policy reform between social transfers and social investment”, Journal of European Public Policy, 25(6): 862-877. link  pdf

Also published as: Häusermann, Silja (2018). “The multidimensional politics of social investment in conservative welfare regimes: family policy reform between social transfers and social investment”, in M. Busemeyer, C. de la Porte, J. Garritzmann, E. Pavolini (eds). The Future of the Social Investment State: Politics, Policies and Outcomes. Routledge.

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Thomas Kurer and Bruno Wüest (2018). „Participation in hard times: how constrained government reduces turnout among the highly educated“, West European Politics, 41(2): 448-471.  link  pdf

‣ Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2018). „National Sovereignty vs. International Cooperation: Policy Choices in Trade-off Situations“, Swiss Political Science Review, 24(4): 400-422. link  pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Thomas Kurer and Hanna Schwander (2016). „Sharing the risk? Households, labor market vulnerability and social policy preferences in Western Europe“, The Journal of Politics. link  pdf

‣ Bochsler, Daniel, Regula Hänggli, Silja Häusermann (2015). „Consensus Lost? Disenchanted
Democracy in Switzerland“, Swiss Political Science Review 21(4): 475-490. link  pdf

‣ Gingrich, Jane and Silja Häusermann (2015). „The decline of the working class vote, the reconfiguration of the welfare support coalition and consequences for the welfare state“, Journal of European Social Policy, 25: 50-75. link  pdf

‣ Fossati, Flavia and Silja Häusermann (2014). „Social Policy Preferences and Party Choice in the 2011 Swiss Elections“, Swiss Political Science Review. 20(4): 590-611. link  pdf

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Thomas Kurer and Hanna Schwander (2014). „High-skilled outsiders? Labor market vulnerability, education and welfare state preferences“, Socio-Economic Review. 13(2): 235-258. link  pdf

‣ Schwander, Hanna and Silja Häusermann (2013). „Who is in and who is out? A risk-based conceptualization of insiders and outsiders“, Journal of European Social Policy 23(3): 248–269. link pdf

‣ Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (2013).
„Structural change and the politics of dualization“, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia LIV(2): 1-26. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Georg Picot and Dominik Geering (2013). „Rethinking Party Politics and the
Welfare State. Recent Advances in the Literature“, British Journal of Political Science 43(1): 221-240 link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Daniel Kübler (2011). „Policy frames and coalition dynamics in the
recent reforms of Swiss family policy“, German Policy Studies, 6(3): 163-194.

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2010). „Solidarity with whom? Why Trade Unions are losing ground in
Continental Pension Politics”, European Journal of Political Research, 49: 223-256. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2009). „Le dinamiche di coalizione nella politica pensionista dell’Europa
continentale”, Special issue, Rivista italiana di politiche pubbliche (3): 53-86. (invited article) link

‣ Bonoli, Giuliano and Silja Häusermann (2008). „Who wants what from the welfare state?
Socio-structural cleavages in distributional politics: evidence from Swiss referendum votes“.
European Societies 11(2): 211-232. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Bruno Palier (2008). „State of the art report: The politics of
employment-friendly welfare reforms“, Socio-economic review (2008): 1-28. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2006). “Changing coalitions in social policy reforms: the politics of new
social needs and demands”, Journal of European Social Policy, 16 (1): 5-21. (Winning article
of the Young Researcher Prize 2004 by the European Social Policy Analysis Network
ESPAnet and the Journal of European Social Policy). link

‣ Häusermann, Silja, André Mach and Yannis Papadopoulos (2004). „From Corporatism to
Partisan Politics. Social Policy Making under Strain in Switzerland”, Swiss Political Science
Review 10(2): 33-59. link

‣ Mach, André, Silja Häusermann and Yannis Papadopoulos (2003). „Economic regulatory
reforms in Switzerland: Adjustment without European integration or how rigidities become
flexible”, Journal of European Public Policy 10 (2), April: 302-319. link

Contributions to edited volumes

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Herbert Kitschelt (forthcoming 2024). «Introduction and Theoretical Framework», in Silja Häusermann and Herbert Kitschelt (eds). Beyond Social Democracy. The Transformation of the Left in Emerging Knowledge Societies. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

‣ Häusermann, Silja (forthcoming 2024). «Social Democracy in competition: voting propensities, electoral potentials and overlaps», in Silja Häusermann and Herbert Kitschelt (eds). Beyond Social Democracy. The Transformation of the Left in Emerging Knowledge Societies. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Herbert Kitschelt, Nadja Mosimann, Philipp Rehm (forthcoming 2024). « Labor Unionization and Social Democratic Parties », in Silja Häusermann and Herbert Kitschelt (eds). Beyond Social Democracy. The Transformation of the Left in Emerging Knowledge Societies. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

‣ Abou-Chadi, Tarik, Silja Häusermann, Reto Mitteregger, Nadja Mosimann, Markus Wagner (forthcoming 2024). « Old Left, New Left, Centrist or Left National? Determinants of support for different social democratic programmatic strategies », in Silja Häusermann and Herbert Kitschelt (eds). Beyond Social Democracy. The Transformation of the Left in Emerging Knowledge Societies. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Herbert Kitschelt (forthcoming 2024). «Conclusion», in Silja Häusermann and Herbert Kitschelt (eds). Beyond Social Democracy. The Transformation of the Left in Emerging Knowledge Societies. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

‣ Ares, Macarena and Silja Häusermann (forthcoming). „Class and social policy representation“, in Noam Lupu and Jonas Pontusson (eds). Unequal Democracies. Cambridge University Press.

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Reto Bürgisser (forthcoming 2023). «Family Policy”, in Patrick Emmenegger, Flavia Fossati, Silja Häusermann, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Sciarini, Adrian Vatter (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Thomas Kurer (2022). “Automation and Social Policy: Which Policy Response do At-risk Workers Support?”, in Marius Busemeyer, Achim Kemmerling, Kees van Kersbergen, Paul Marx (eds). Digitalization and the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2022). „Sozialpolitik“, in Georg Wenzelburger und Reimuth Zohlnhöfner (eds.). Handbuch Policy-Forschung. Springer. Link:

‣ Häusermann, Silja und Reto Bürgisser (2022). «Familienpolitik», in Papadopoulos, Yannis, Pascal Sciarini, Adrian Vatter, Silja Häusermann, Patrick Emmenegger and Flavia Fossati (eds). Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. Zürich: NZZ Libro.

‣ Palier, Bruno, Julian Garritzmann and Silja Häusermann (2022). «Towards a Worldwide View on the Politics of Social Investment», in Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I. Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 1-58.

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Julian Garritzmann and Bruno Palier (2022). « The Politics of Social Investment: A Global Theoretical Framework », in Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I. Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 59-106.

‣ Garritzmann, Julian, Silja Häusermann, Thomas Kurer, Bruno Palier and Michael Pinggera (2022). « The Emergence of Knowledge Economies: Educational Expansion, Labor Market Changes, and the Politics of Social Investment », in Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I. Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 251-283.

‣ Garritzmann, Julian, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (2022). « The Politics of Social Investment in the Knowledge Economy: Analytical Insights from a Global Comparison», in Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I. Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 454-489.

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Julian Garritzmann, and Bruno Palier (2022). «Structural Constraints, Institutional Legacies, and the Politics of Social Investment Across World Regions », in Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume II. The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 1-35.

‣ Palier, Bruno, Julian Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Francesco Fioritto (2022). « How Democracies Transform their Welfare States: The Reform Trajectories and Political Coalitions of Inclusive, Stratified, and Targeted Social Investment Strategies in Capitalist Democracies», in Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann and Bruno Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume II. The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 402-475.

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Thomas Kurer (2022). “Automation and Social Policy: Which Policy Response do At-risk Workers Support?”, in Marius Busemeyer, Achim Kemmerling, Kees van Kersbergen, Paul Marx (eds). Digitalization and the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

‣ Garritzmann, Julian, Bruno Palier and Silja Häusermann (forthcoming 2021). Social Investment. In Oxford Handbook of Welfare States, 2nd edition. Oxford University Press.

‣ Kriesi, Hanspeter, Chendi Wang, Silja Häusermann and Thomas Kurer (2020). «Economic Grievances, Political Grievances and Protest», in Hanspeter Kriesi, Jasmine Lorenzini, Bruno Wüest and Silja Häusermann (eds). Contention in Times of Crisis. Recession and Political Protest in Thirty European Countries. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 149-183. link

‣ Kriesi, Hanspeter, Silja Häusermann and Jasmine Lorenzini (2020). «Introduction», in Hanspeter Kriesi, Jasmine Lorenzini, Bruno Wüest and Silja Häusermann (eds). Contention in Times of Crisis. Recession and Political Protest in Thirty European Countries. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 3-28. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2020). «Sozialpolitische Entscheidungsprozesse», in J-M. Bonvin, P. Maeder, C. Knöpfel, V. Hugentobler, U. Tecklenburg (eds). Wörterbuch der Sozialpolitik. Zurich and Geneva: Seismo. pp. 481-483. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2020). «Wohlfahrtsregime», in J-M. Bonvin, P. Maeder, C. Knöpfel, V. Hugentobler, U. Tecklenburg (eds). Wörterbuch der Sozialpolitik. Zurich and Geneva: Seismo. pp. 565-567. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2019). «Totgesagte leben länger: der Sozialstaat der Zukunft», in J. Allmendinger, Otfried Jarren, Christine Kaufmann, Hanspeter Kriesi und Dorothea Kübler (eds.). Zeitenwende. Kurze Antworten auf grosse Fragen der Gegenwart. Zürich: Orell Füssli.   link

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Matthias Enggist und Michael Pinggera (2019). «Sozialpolitik in Hard Times», in H. Obinger und Manfred Schmidt (eds). Handbuch Sozialpolitik. Wiesbaden: Springer.

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2018). „Welfare State Research and Comparative Political Economy“, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2018). “Social Democracy and the Welfare State in context: the conditioning effect of institutional and party competition”, in Philipp Manow, Bruno Palier and Hanna Schwander (eds). Welfare democracies and party politics: Explaining electoral dynamics in times of changing welfare capitalism. Oxford University Press. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Matthias Enggist and Michael Pinggera (forthcoming, 2019). „Sozialpolitik in ‘Hard Times’“, in Herbert Obinger und Manfred G. Schmidt (eds.). Handbuch Sozialpolitik. Springer Verlag.

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Bruno Palier (2017). „The politics of social investment: policy legacies and class coalitions“, in Anton Hemerijck (ed.). The Uses of Social Investment. Oxford University Press. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2016). „Der Sozialstaat als Grundlage der Demokratie – oder umgekehrt?“, in Beatrice Ziegler (ed.). Ungleichheit(en) und Demokratie. Schulthess. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Hanspeter Kriesi (2015). „Dimensions and configurations in individual-level preferences and party choice“, in Beramendi et al. (eds). The Politics of Advanced Capitalism. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 202-230. link

‣ Beramendi, Pablo, Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt and Hanspeter Kriesi (2015). „Introduction: The politics of advanced capitalism“ and „Conclusion: advanced capitalism in crisis“, in Beramendi et al. (eds). The Politics of Advanced Capitalism. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 1-68 and pp. 381-403. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2015). „Sozialpolitik“, in Georg Wenzelburger und Reimuth Zohlnhöfner (eds.). Handbuch Policy-Forschung. Springer. Pp. 591-614. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Christine Zollinger (2014). „Familienpolitik“, in Peter Knoepfel, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Scarini, Adrian Vatter and Silja Häusermann (eds). Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. NZZ Verlag. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2012). „The Politics of New and Old Social Risks“, in Giuliano Bonoli and David Natali (eds). The Politics of the New Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. link

‣ Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (2012). „Why We Grow More Unequal “, in Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (eds). The Age of Dualization. Structure, Politics, Policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. link

‣ Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (2012). „How Rich Countries Cope With Dualization “, in Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (eds). The Age of Dualization. Structure, Politics, Policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Hanna Schwander (2012). „Varieties of Dualization. Identifying Insiders and Outsiders across Regimes“, in Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (eds). The Age of Dualization. Structure, Politics, Policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Hanna Schwander (2012). „Switzerland: building a multipillar pension scheme for a flexible labor market“, in Karl Hinrichs and Matteo Jessoula (eds.). Flexible Today, Secure Tomorrow? Labor market flexibility and pension systems. London: Routledge. link

‣ Bonoli, Giuliano and Silja Häusermann (2011). „The Swiss Welfare State – Between Retrenchment and Expansion“, in André Mach and Christine Trampusch (eds). Switzerland in Europe – Europe in Switzerland. London: Palgrave. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2010). “Reform opportunities in a Bismarckian latecomer. Restructuring the Swiss Welfare State”, in Bruno Palier (ed.). A long good-bye to Bismarck? The Politics of Welfare Reform in Continental Europe. Amsterdam University Press. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2010). “European Politics and Society,” in G. T. Kurian, J. E. Alt, S. Chambers, M. Levi, P. McClain (eds.). International Encyclopedia of Political Science. CQ Press, pp. 532-536.

‣ Bonoli, Giuliano and Silja Häusermann (2010). „Who wants what from the welfare state? Socio-structural cleavages in distributional politics: evidence from Swiss referendum votes“, in Jörg Chet Tremmel (ed.). A Young Generation Under Pressure? The Financial Situation and the „Rush Hour“ of the Cohorts 1970-1985 in a Generational Comparison. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Stefanie Walter (2010) “Restructuring Swiss welfare politics: postindustrial labor markets, globalization and attitudes towards social policies“, in Simon Hug and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds). Value change in Switzerland. Lexington Press. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2009). „Policy flexibility vs. policy inertia: coalitional dynamics in German pension reform“. in Giliberto Capano and Michael Howlett (eds.). European and American Experiences in Policy Change: Policy Drivers and Policy Dynamics. London: Routledge. Pp. 43-67.

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2008). „Ist das politische System in der Schweiz in der Lage, den
Sozialstaat zu modernisieren?“, in Fabio Bertozzi and Giuliano Bonoli (eds.). L’Etat social suisse face aux nouveaux défis sociaux. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques de Lausanne; Bern: Haupt.

‣ Häusermann, Silja, André Mach and Yannis Papadopoulos (2004). „Explaining Policy Transfer Mechanisms in Small European Countries: The Case of Telecommunication Reform“, in David Levi-Faur and Eran Vigoda (eds.). International Public Policy and Management: Policy Learning beyond Regional, Cultural and Political Boundaries. Marcel Dekker.

Working Papers

‣ Kurer, Thomas and Silja Häusermann (2021). “Automation and Social Policy: Which Policy Response do At-risk Workers Support?”. Welfarepriorities Working Paper Series n°3/21. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja, Macarena Ares, Matthias Enggist and Michael Pinggera (2020). “Mass public attitudes on social policy priorities and reforms in Western Europe. WELFAREPRIORITIES dataset 2020”. Welfarepriorities Working Paper Series n°1/20. link

‣ Garritzmann, Julian, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier and Christine Zollinger (2017). „WoPSI – the World Politics of Social Investment: An international research project to explain variance in social investment agendas and social investment reforms across countries and world regions“, LIEPP working paper, March 2017, n° 64. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Dominik Geering (2012). „Policy congruence and distributive politics: matching voter preferences and party positions on distributive issues. CIS Working Papers 78/2012.

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Hanna Schwander (2009). “Identifying outsiders across countries: similarities and differences in the patterns of dualization”, RECWOWE Working Paper
09/2009. link

‣ Engeli, Isabelle and Silja Häusermann (2009). “Government strategies for successful reforms in controversial policy fields”, EUI Working Paper, 2009/1. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja und Colette Nova (2005). Endlich existenzsichernde Renten: Erste Säule stärken – 3000 Franken Rente für alle. Bern: Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund, Dossier 34, März 2005. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja and Antonello Spagnolo (2004). Le rôle des énoncés évaluatifs dans les politiques publiques. Cahier de l’Idheap n° 212. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2003). Internationalisation des politiques publiques et mise en oeuvre fédéraliste. La libéralisation des marchés publics cantonaux en Suisse. Cahier de l’Idheap n° 209. link

‣ Häusermann, Silja (2003). Internationalisation des politiques publiques et mise en oeuvre fédéraliste. La libéralisation des marchés publics cantonaux en Suisse. Cahier de l’Idheap n° 209. link